For All
Everyone deserves a place they can call home, yet rising housing costs, limited supply, and poor decisions by the current County Commissioners have made that nearly impossible in Monroe County. This impacts not only home owners but economic development.
Implement Collaborative, Long-Term Approaches to ease the housing crisis. I start with the notion that it is important to be grounded and mindful enough to understand that success depends on leaders surrounding themselves with people smarter than ourselves.
Convene and work with Monroe County thought leaders to write and implement the 2033 Monroe County Strategic Plan to include housing initiatives to set a course for local government.
Reestablish the annual Monroe County Day, a public event to celebrate the successes of the County and a time to measure those against our stated goals.
Update County branding to be forward focused.
Establish the Monroe County Housing Department or Enter an Interlocal with HAND. This entity will lead a range of county-specific housing initiatives beginning with
collecting and making publicly available comprehensive information on rental homes, single and multi family homes. This baseline data will provide a transparent and accessible snapshot of the housing situation in the county and enable the Monroe County departments to better tailor policies.
This department will also schedule regular rental inspections.
It will also be a central point of contact between the public, private business, and other jurisdictions.
Expand affordable housing options, especially for retirees, seniors, and those of fixed incomes.
Provide affordable housing incentives such as density bonuses, property tax abatements, and expedited permitting for projects including a certain percentage of affordable housing.
Expand Workforce Housing. This is the missing middle that is a key part of Economic Development.
As Commissioner Peter will promote workforce Housing!
Zone for Housing Opportunity For all of Monroe County Working with the professionals in the Monroe County Planning Department, dismantle binary, stagnant approaches to housing in favor of opportunity For All of Monroe County.
Build Housing in Monroe County Engage regional stakeholders to take advantage of efficiencies and regional strengths to provide sustained periods of increased housing production inside Monroe County.
Collaborate to make Homelessness Rare, Brief and Non-Repeating. Work closely with Heading Home and other local non-profits to create and adopt evidence-based, non-punitive, person-based plans for those experiencing homelessness, living in tent encampments, and prevention measures.
Reduce Barriers to Home Ownership for Historically Marginalized Communities. Publicizing the reality of racially restrictive covenants in our neighborhoods will further illuminate the systemic racism in our housing system. To combat this system, the new Housing Department will target home-ownership education initiatives and funding mechanisms to historically marginalized populations in the county. Reduce barriers to homeownership and wealth creation for historically discriminated racial and ethnic communities.
Support safe, and dignified work for those building homes. Utilize the expertise and strong safety background of local labor organizations.
Ensure Homes are Resilient to Climate Change. Build climate crisis resiliency into all new homes by providing resources for green construction, energy generation, and storage. By giving closer attention to the locations of residential zoning, we can ensure that homes are not built in flood zones and that residents have greater access to public transportation and/or the proximity to rely on walking and cycling.