Counties are often overlooked when it comes to fighting the climate crisis, but we can take bold action to advance our resiliency and be a leader in this area. See the Plan.

  • Create the full time position of Monroe County Climate Action Director

  • Create the inaugural Monroe County Climate Action Plan.

  • Collaborate on Green House Gas Inventories locally and regionally.

  • Empower the Monroe County Environmental Commission to conduct and publish an annual community-wide survey.

  • Continue partnership with Indiana University ERI.

  • Renew contract to host and supervise a McKinney Climate Fellow.

  • Create an Implementation Team for the Climate Resiliency Plan.

  • Work with the Monroe County Council to safeguard and sustainably invest the Monroe County Energy Non-reverting fund.

  • Partner with the City of Bloomington, other municipalities, and non-profits to promote solar, other renewable energy sources, and storage for residential, commercial, and public buildings.